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Inviting researchers and scientists interested in solving the problems of tomorrow

For over 4 decades, TCS Research has systematically invested in research on computing and its intersection with physical, biological, mathematical, and behavioral science. Our researchers apply scientific rigor and a collaborative mindset to solve pressing problems faced by industry and society.

We attract talent from diverse backgrounds and enrich their careers by allowing them to work on real-world problems. We leverage their cross-domain experiences and employ rigor and ethics to our inventions.

Our focus areas

Purposeful AI

Computing Futures

Digital Sciences

Sustainable Futures

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Careers at TCS Research

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Additionally, the research programs focused on areas such as Smart Machines, Personalized Medicines, Digital Citizen and more, directly feed into TCS’ business pipeline.  

Researchers and scientists at TCS Research publish more than 240 papers in top-tier conferences and journals each year.

TCS Research not only provides a conducive work environment to its researchers but also helps them collaborate with other brilliant minds. We encourage continuous learning and improvement of skills and provide them the autonomy and freedom to work on interdisciplinary research areas.

TCS is an equal opportunity employer. Within TCS Research, more than 33% of researchers and scientists are women, leading various teams, and areas of research.

We are looking out for researchers who will advance our capabilities in our core research areas and create an intellectual foundation towards making an impact on industry and society.

We invite applicants who have completed their graduation, masters, or PhDs from any recognized University/Institute.


If you are interested to pursue a career with us, write to with a detailed CV highlighting your area of research interest, education and publications. Please mark “Research Careers” in the subject line.

If you are interested in doing an internship with us, please click here.

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